How to Modify the content on a slide using AI
To modify the content on a Slide using AI, follow the below steps:
Open an existing Slide Deck by following the steps in this document
Once the Slide Deck is opened, click on a slide where you want to modify the content using AI
Select the text in a slide and Mouse Hover near the Cursor on a slide, the menu icon is displayed
Click on the Menu icon
Options are displayed from the menu
Click on the "Modify with AI" button
A prompt box is displayed to the user, enter the topic you would like to modify and Click on the Generate button
Upon clicking the Generate button, the Almanack AI, generates new text based on the input and replaces the existing content in the slide.
The content gets modified by AI automatically.
A toolbar is also displayed on the top of the slide.
Click on the Tick button on the toolbar, to Save the content generated by AI
Click on the Cross (X) icon on the toolbar, to remove the content generated by AI
Click on the Regenerate button on the toolbar, to Regenerate the content using AI.
Almanack AI automatically regenerates the content
Click on the Original button on the toolbar, to go back to the Original content
Click on the Modified button on the toolbar, to go back to the Modified content