To generate content in a Worksheet using AI, follow the below steps:
Open an existing Worksheet by following the steps in this document
Once the Worksheet is opened, click anywhere on the Worksheet where you would like to generate content using AI
Hit the / (slash) key on the keyboard to view a list of commands:
Click on the menu option - Generate with AI button:
A prompt box is displayed with a Generate button
Enter a topic for which you would like to generate content in the prompt box and click on the "Generate" button
Upon clicking the Generate button, the Almanack AI automatically generates the content based on the topic provided by you.
A toolbar is also displayed on Top.
Click on the Tick button to Save the content generated by AI
Click on the Cross (X) icon to remove the content generated by AI
Click on the Regenerate button to Regenerate the content using AI.
Almanack AI automatically regenerates the content
Click on the Original button to go back to the Original content
Click on the Modified button to go back to the Modified content